Abstract | SAŽETAK
Ovaj rad bazira se na deset godina (2010.-2020.), tj. deset filmskih dodjela Oscar i koncentrira na izrečene političke poruke koje su uključene u pobjedničke govore. Analizira se jedna kategorija – najbolji film. To je ujedno i posljednja kategorija na dodjeli kada se na pozornicu popne redatelj sa scenaristima, producentima, glumcima i ostatkom kolega koji su radili na filmu. Glavnu riječ uglavnom ima redatelj. Osim zahvala, osvrću se na razloge i inspiraciju za stvaranje, te nekad direktno ili indirektno prozivaju pojedince za probleme u društvu ili glasno izražavaju stav uz podršku i ovacije kolega i publike u dvorani. Razlog za odabir ove teme je želja za analizom koliko aktualna društveno – politička zbivanja utječu i kreiraju druge sfere. Konkretno u ovom slučaju - koliko mijenjaju stvari u Američkoj filmskoj akademiji koja godinama važi za respektabilnu instituciju sedme umjetnosti i čija je naklonost svima bitna. Za potrebe rada koristila se analiza diskursa kojom se, na temelju deset izabranih pobjedničkih govora s dodjele Oscara od 2010. do 2020. godine, definirao stil, jezik, diskurs pobjednika, te što je to političko u njihovim govorima, uz pomoć literature i citiranje samih govora. Dobiveni rezultati analize diskursa formirani su u obliku pitanja upućena Bošku Piculi, Ivanu Žakniću i Nenadu Korkutu. Zbog dubljeg i kvalitetnijeg istraživanja, provedeni su strukturirani intervjui s navedenim filmskim kritičarima. |
Abstract (english) | This paper is based on ten years (2010-2020), ten Oscar film awards, and concentrates on the political messages that are included in the winning speeches. One category is analyzed - the best film. This is also the last category at the award ceremony when the director takes the stage with the screenwriters, producers, actors, and the rest of the colleagues who worked on the film. The director has the main say. In addition to thanks, they look back at the reasons and inspiration for the creation, and sometimes directly or indirectly call out individuals for problems in society or loudly express their views with the support and applause of colleagues and the audience in the hall. The reason for choosing this topic is the desire to analyze how much current socio-political events affect and create other spheres. Specifically in this case - how much things are changing at the American Film Academy, which for years has been considered a respectable institution of the seventh art and whose affection is important to everyone. For the purposes of the paper, discourse analysis was used, which, based on ten selected winning speeches from the Oscars from 2010 to 2020, defined the style, language, discourse of the winners, and what is political in their speeches, with the help of the literature and quoting speech. The obtained results of the discourse analysis were formed in the form of questions addressed to Boško Picula, Ivan Žaknić, and Nenad Korkut. Due to deeper and better research, structured interviews were conducted with these film critics. |