Abstract | „Novi mediji daju priliku autohtonim narodima da kontroliraju predodžbe o sebi. Suvremeni autohtoni film i video koriste se kao uvjerljiva sredstva u pregovaranju ili održavanju kulturnog identiteta.“ (Nichols, 2013:6) Upravo obim riječima objašnjena je ideja za izradu etnografskog dokumentarnog filma o mesopusnim običajima u Novom Vinodolskom. Tradicija koja se održala stoljećima unatoč ratovima, neimaštini pa i pandemiji, prepoznata je i zaštićena kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro Republike Hrvatske. No, povrh toga veliki je ponos građanima, obuću narodnu nošnju i zaigrati kolo na trgu ili svirati zogu ulicama grada. U tim zimskim mesopusnim danima, prkosi se buri i kiše, pa i najneugodnijim obiteljskim situacijama. Tada se Novljani povezuju i preko noći postaju pojmovi složnosti, najšokantnijih nepodopština i šala, ponosa i slave običaja koji ih odvajaju od ostalih. Priča je ovo o običaju, no prije svega ljubavi, prijateljstvu, sjećanjima i željama ljudi preko kojih običaj iz generacije u generaciju živi. „Etnografski dokumentarni film nastao je kao podvrsta dokumentarnog filma, te je od samih početaka nastojao znanstveno opravdati svoje mjesto unutar antropologije i filmologije. U etnografskom filmu sukobljavaju se dvije tendencije: filmska i znanstvena. Kao sredstvo znanstvenog istraživanja, čiji je glavni cilj stvoriti empirijski vjerodostojne dokaze, teži objektivnosti i istinitosti, a također kao audio vizualni zapis, prilagođava se konvencijama i estetskim normama filmskog jezika.“ (Borjan, 2012:19). Cilj svakog dokumentarnog filma, pa tako i etnografskog jest prikazati gledateljima realno i istinito stanje, iako na isto može utjecati točka gledišta stvaratelja dokumentarnog filma. Razlog zašto ovu temu biram za svoj diplomski rad, nije isključivo činjenica da je riječ o mom domu i običajima koje moja obitelj i prijatelji vole. Već zato što smatra da je priča vrijedna pažnje, pogotovo u vremenu kada se sve mijenja, kada pribjegavamo online komunikaciji nasuprot onoj uživo. Kada masovno odlazimo iz manjih gradova i kada prihvaćamo običaje i navike drugih naroda pod svoje. Upravo zato zanimljivo je vratiti se u grad u kojem mladi ljudi održavaju stoljetni običaj i nema traga pomisli da se isti zaboravi. |
Abstract (english) | "New media gives indigenous peoples the opportunity to control their self-image. Contemporary autochthonous film and video are used as persuasive tools in the negotiation or maintenance of cultural identity." (Nichols, 2013:6) The tradition, which has been maintained for centuries despite wars, poverty and even pandemics, is recognized and protected as an intangible cultural asset of the Republic of Croatia. But on top of that, the citizens are very proud to put on their national costume and dance in the square or play music in the streets of the city. In these carnival winter days, storms and rains are defied, even the most unpleasant family situations. In that time, the people of Novi Vinodolski, connect and overnight become concepts of harmony, the most shocking pranks and jokes, pride and glory of customs that separate them from the rest. This story is about a custom, but above all love, friendship, memories and wishes of people through whom the custom lives on from generation to generation. "Ethnographic documentary film was created as a subspecies of documentary film, and from the very beginning it tried to scientifically justify its place within anthropology and filmology. In the ethnographic film, two tendencies collide: cinematic and scientific. As a means of scientific research, whose main goal is to create empirically credible evidence, it strives for objectivity and truthfulness, and also as an audio-visual record, it adapts to the conventions and aesthetic norms of the film language." (Borjan, 2012). The goal of every documentary film, including an ethnographic one, is to show the viewers a real and true situation, although the same can be influenced by the point of view of the creator of the documentary film. The reason why I choose this topic for my thesis is not only the fact that it is about my home town and the customs that my family and friends love. First of all, because I think that the story is worthy of attention, especially in a time when everything is changing, when we resort to online communication as opposed to live communication. When we leave smaller towns en masse and when we accept the customs and habits of other peoples as our own. That is exactly why it is interesting to return to a town where young people maintain a centuries-old custom and where there is no sign of forgetting it. |