Abstract | Koncept se zemlje podrijetla proučava godinama, a shodno su se tome trendu do sada mnogobrojni autori pozabavili njegovom poviješću, razvojem i važnošću. Kako bilo, cilj je ovoga rada te njegova osnovna svrha bila detaljnije prodrijeti u problematiku toga koncepta te istražiti važnost istoga na primjeru potrošača Republike Hrvatske, a sve kako bi se hrvatskim potrošačima, ali i vanjskim te unutarnjim ulagačima i tvrtkama dala prilika da pobliže upoznaju svoju ciljanu skupinu. Shodno se tome u nastavku spomenuta specifičnost postavila kao okosnica istraživanja promatranog predmeta – daju li i zašto hrvatski potrošači prilikom kupnje prednost proizvodima proizvedenima u zemljama koje su globalno pozitivno i snažno brendirane, poput Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Njemačke? U potrazi za konkretnim odgovorom bilo je potrebno posegnuti za stručnom literaturom, dotaknuti se prijašnjih srodnih istraživanja, a potom i provesti anketno ispitivanje nad hrvatskim potrošačima. Prilikom je čega ukupno obuhvaćeno 300 ispitanika, točnije 212 ženskih te 88 muških. Posljedično, po završetku analize prikupljenih podataka dođeno je do rezultata, a koji progovaraju o tome kako je potrošačima u RH većinski gledano stalo da su proizvodi koje kupuju (posebice: hrana, odjeća, obuća, stvari za bebe, lijekovi) provjerena podrijetla te da dolaze iz visokorazvijenih zemalja. Osim je toga još jedan važan doprinos ovoga istraživanja, naime rezultati pokazuju da se kao diferencijacijski faktori mogu uzeti u obzir dob potrošača i njihov status (studenti/osobe na tržištu rada/umirovljenici). Ovo su jasno tek prvi koraci u proučavanju ovoga bitnog fenomena i njegove svekolike važnosti i utjecaja, pa ipak od bitnog su značaja za svakoga tko iz bilo kojeg razloga ima afinitete prema obrađivanoj tematici. Naposljetku, rezultati koji pokazuju da 79,7% hrvatskih potrošača u određenim situacijama izbjegava proizvode koji dolaze ih Kine i/ili sličnih zemalja upućuju na to da ova tematika vremenom može samo stasati te da o njoj možemo, a i trebali bismo zbog njena utjecaja na naš svakodnevni život, otkrivati i saznavati sve više. |
Abstract (english) | The concept of country of origin (CCO) was studying for years, in accordance with that trend many authors dealt with its history, development, and importance. However, the aim for this paper and its main purpose was to penetrate more specific into the issue of this concept and explore its importance in the case of Croatian consumers, so that not just them, but also external and internal investors and companies have the opportunity to become more familiar with their target audience. Pursuant to that, the backbone of the observed object was to find out – do and why Croatian consumers preference, when purchasing, products from countries that are globally positive and who have develop their brand so that they become more wanted, such as USA and Germany? Looking for a specific answer, it was necessary to resort to professional literature, find out more about previous related research, and then implement the survey testing of Croatian consumers. During the research, 212 female and 88 male, which is 300 in total, were tested. Consequently, the results of the research came out and they speak of how many consumers in the Republic of Croatia taking care that the products which they buy (especially: food, clothing, shoes, items for babies, drugs) are origin tested and come from high developed countries. Apart from that, there is another important contribution of this research, the results are showing that age of the consumers and their status (students/workers/pensioners) are potentially very important. Obviously, those are just the first steps in the study of this important phenomenon and its overall importance and influence. However, they may be also very important for anyone who, for any reason, have affinity towards this subject. Finally, the results are showing that 79.9% of Croatian consumers in certain situations have tendency to avoid Chinese and/or products from similar countries. This suggest that the issue may eventually become more important, and that we should, because of its impact on our daily lifes, discover and find out even more. |