Abstract | Postoji mnogo Indeksa koji mjere brendirane države, a u ovom radu su obrađena tri, Nation Brand Index, FutureBrand: Country Brand Index te Global Competitiveness Index. Cilj rada je prikazati njihovi razlike i sličnosti, odnosno po čemu je svaki Indeks jedinstven te kakve su se promjene događale unutar njih samih. Time temelj rada jest istraživačko pitanje koje glasi: „Po čemu se razlikuju, odnosno kako i zašto The Nation Brand Index, Future Brand Index te Global Competitiveness Index rangiraju brend države te koje su se promjene dogodile unutar njih samih iz godine u godinu?“. Kako bi se postigao odgovor, korištena je stručna literatura, a pri samoj komparaciji upotrebljena je metoda analize arhivske građe. Obuhvaćena su istraživanja unutar tri godine, 2010.-2011., 2011.-2012. te 2012.-2013. Iz sveukupnog rangiranja prikazane su tablice top deset brendiranih država. Dobiveni su rezultati kako se Indeksi međusobno razlikuju prema svojim ciljevima, metodologiji i rangiranju samih zemalja. Sličnosti su im metoda prikupljanja podataka, korištenje ankete te nalaženje skoro pa istih država u top deset ljestvici, ali po različitom redoslijedu. Unutar njih samih, Nation Brand Index jedini ima manje promjene i to jedino rangiranju, dok se kod FutureBrand: Country Brand Index i Global Competitiveness Index vide promjene i u metodologiji, sveukupnom broju brendiranih država i u samom rangiranju top deset. Prema tome, svaki Indeks ima drugačiji fokus i cilj, pa se i ostatak analize razlikuje od ostalih, a promjene unutar njih se događaju zbog poboljšanja i unapređenja istraživanja te zbog drugačije percepcije ljudi o brendiranim državama. |
Abstract (english) | There are many Indexes that measure the branded states, and this paper analyzes three, Nation Brand Index, FutureBrand: Country Brand Index and Global Competitiveness Index. The aim of this work is to show their differences and similarities, that is, why each index is unique, and what changes happen within themselves. This is the basis of the research question, which reads: „What are the differences, and why and why the The Nation Brand Index, the Future Brand Index, and the Global Competitiveness Index rank the brand of the state, and what changes have they made within themselves from year to year?“ In order to achieve the answer, expert literature was used, and in the comparison was used the method of analysis of the archive material. Research included within three years, 2010-2011, 2011-2012. And 2012-2013. From overall rankings, the top ten brands are shown in the tables. Obtained results are as the Indexes are different from each other according to their goals, methodology and ranking of the countries. Similarities are the methods of data collection, the use of polls and finding almost the same states in top ten rankings but in different order. Within them, the Nation Brand Index has only fewer changes, only in ranking, while the FutureBrand: Country Brand Index and the Global Competitiveness Index see changes in methodology, total number of branded countries and in ranking top ten. Therefore, each index has a different focus and purpose, so the rest of the analysis differs from the others, and changes within themselves are happening because of improvement and upgrading of research and because of the different perceptions of people about branded countries. |