Abstract | U ovom radu pokušala sam iznijeti svoje viđenje Brexita i stavova Therese May kao premijerke UK, u razdoblju održavanja referenduma o izlasku UK iz EU i početku pregovora s Europskom unijom. Nezadovoljni svojim statusom unutar EU, britanski građani su na referendumu u lipnju 2016. godine glasali za izlazak svoje zemlje iz Unije. Veliki utjecaj na takvu odluku imale su političke kampanje usmjerene na poticanje straha od gubitka utjecaja na donošenje važnih odluka za Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Tako se tvrdilo da se sve važne odluke donose u Bruxellesu, a ne u Londonu. Istaknuta je i želja za većom kontrolom granica i ograničavanjem useljavanja zbog straha od imigranata. U tom važnom trenutku za Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, nakon ostavke premijera Davida Camerona, zagovornika ostanka u Europskoj uniji, premijerka postaje Theresa May, ministrica unutarnjih poslova u njegovoj vladi. Ova iskusna političarka iz Konzervativne stranke, podržavala je Camerona u želji da Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo ostane u Europskoj uniji. No, nakon što je postala premijerka potpuno se posvetila realizaciji volje građana i pokrenula proces izlaska iz EU. Državni interesi tako su postali važniji od stranačkih.
Težak i kompleksan proces razdruživanja doveo je i do neslaganja unutar vlade kojoj je na čelu Theresa May. Njezin utjecaj u Konzervativnoj stranci slabi, a naročito nakon rezultata prijevremenih parlamentarnih izbora 2017. kada je Konzervativna stranka izgubila 13 zastupničkih mjesta u parlamentu. Sve veće neslaganje unutar vlade, u zadnje vrijeme, doveo je i do ostavki dvaju značajnih ministara, ministra za proces izlaska iz Europske unije Davida Davisa, a odmah nakon toga, i ministra vanjskih poslova Borisa Johnsona.
Premijerka Theresa May djeluje u vrlo izazovnom razdoblju za Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, ali i Europsku uniju. Bit će potrebno puno snage, političke mudrosti i pregovaračkih vještina kako bi se došlo do sporazuma o Brexitu kojim će, prvenstveno britanski građani, a onda i građani Europske unije biti zadovoljni. Politička budućnost sadašnje premijerke ovisit će o uspjehu koji će u tome postići. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper I have tried to outline my vision of Brexit and the views of Theresa May as UK Prime Minister in the period of the referendum on leaving the UK from the EU and beginning negotiations with the European Union. Dissatisfied with their status within the EU, British citizens, in a referendum in June 2016, voted to go out of the Union. Political campaigns aimed at encouraging fear of losing influence on making important decisions for the United Kingdom had a big influence on such decision. It was claimed that all important decisions were made in Brussels and not in London. Due to the fear of immigrants, the wish for stronger border control and the limitation of immigration was pointed out. At this important moment for the United Kingdom, after the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron who was the proponent of the government in the EU, Theresa May, Minister of Interior in his government, becomes Prime Minister. This experienced politician from the Conservative Party supported Cameron in wanting the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union. However, after becoming the Prime Minister she devoted herself entirely to the realization of the will of the citizens and started the process of leaving the EU. National interests have thus become more important than the party's interests.
The difficult and complex process of separation has led to disagreement within the government headed by Theresa May. Her influence in the Conservative Party weakens, especially after the results of early parliamentary elections in 2017 when the Conservative Party lost 13 parliamentary seats. More and more disagreement within the government has recently led to the resignation of two major ministers: the Minister for Exiting the European Union David Davis, and immediately afterwards, Foreign Minister Boris Johnsons. Prime Minister Theresa May is working in a very challenging time for the United Kingdom as well as for the European Union. It will take a lot of strength, political wisdom and negotiating skills to reach an agreement on Brexit that will satisfy primarily the British citizens, and the EU citizens as well. The political future of the current Prime Minister will depend on the success she will achieve in this matter. |