Abstract | Od svog nastanka 1949. godine NATO savez je jedan od najvažnijih aktera na globalnoj vojnoj i političkoj sceni. Kroz Hladni rat prošao je brojne krize te opstao na nogama, a zatim dolazi pad Berlinskog zida, raspad komunizma i promjena bilateralizma u "Novi svjetski poredak", te ostaje pitanje da li je Savez potreban u posthladnoratovskom razdoblju. Od 1990-ih Savez se počinje polako rekonfigurirati te se sudjelovanjem u Bosni, gdje je osigurao stabilnost, vraća na scenu kao neizbježan akter globalne sigurnosti. NATO je od tada bio dio brojnih misija, uspješnih, ali i onih manje uspješnih, prošao brojne krize, širio se od osnutka do danas, te je unatoč argumentima koji su propitkivali njegovu ulogu i opstanak tijekom svih ovih godina, ostao na nogama kao najdugovječniji Savez ove vrste. Ovaj pregledni rad kroz svoja poglavlja prikazuje upravo navedene aspekte, ulogu NATO-a kroz povijest do danas, njegovo djelovanje te proširenja, i daje odgovor na pitanje da li NATO može biti učinkovit nakon Hladnog rata u očuvanju sigurnosti i stabilnosti 21. stoljeća unatoč svojoj ponavljajućoj krizi? |
Abstract (english) | Since its inception in 1949., NATO has been one of the most important actors on the global military and political scene. It went through many crises during the Cold War and survived on its feet, and then comes the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of communism, and the change of bilateralism to the "New world order", so the question remains whether the Alliance is needed in the post-Cold War period. Since the 1990s, the Alliance has been slowly reconfiguring, and by participating in Bosnia, where it has ensured stability, it is returning to the scene as an inevitable actor in global security. Since then, NATO has been part of many missions, successful but also less successful, it has gone through many crises, expanded from its inception to the present day, and despite arguments questioning its role and survival over all these years, it has remained on its feet as the longest-running Alliance of this kind. This paper, through its chapters, outlines these aspects, NATO's role throughout history, its enlargement, and answers the question of whether NATO can be effective after the Cold War in maintaining the security and stability of the 21st century despite its recurring crisis? |