Abstract | Ovaj rad nastoji povezati radove stranih i domaćih autora koji se bave Orijentom ili Bliskim istokom stalnim izvorom sukoba. Najnoviji u nizu sukoba je onaj između Hamasa i Izraela koji je započeo 7. listopada 2023. te do trenutka završetka ovog rada nije stao nit daje naznake da će biti okončan mirnim putem, nadasve očekuje se daljnja eskalacija sukoba s potencijalom širenja rata na više država na Bliskom istoku. Glavni cilj rada je istražiti geopolitičke poremećaje koje je sukob izazvao. Koristeći se akademskim radovima istraživača koji detaljno prate događanja na Bliskom istoku te izvorima iz relevantnih medija koji prate dnevna događanja u ovom sukobu rad kreirati pregled najvećih geopolitički poremećaja, odnos učinaka koje je ovaj sukob imao. Rad prati geopolitičke poremećaje koje je sukob izazvao u; SAD-u, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, EU, Tunisu, odnosu SAD-a i Irana, Kini i Rusiji. Kroz rad se daje opći povijesni pregled sadržan u tabličnom prikazu te detaljniji pregled aktera od Izraela, Hamasa, Hezbolaha, Muslimanskog bratstva, PLO-a i drugih. Rad naglašava važnost religije kao jednog od uzorka sukoba te kako se upravo kroz dosljedno tumačenje vjere, neovisno o tome radi li se o Kršćanima, Muslimanima ili Židovima, može pronaći put za trajni mir. |
Abstract (english) | This paper seeks to connect the works of both foreign and domestic authors who focus on the Orient or the Middle East as a persistent source of conflict. The latest in the series of conflicts is the one between Hamas and Israel, which began on October 7, 2023, and at the time of the completion of this work, has not ceased nor shown signs of being resolved peacefully. On the contrary, further escalation of the conflict is expected, with the potential for the war to spread to multiple countries in the Middle East. The paper's main objective is to examine the geopolitical disruptions caused by the conflict. Using academic papers from researchers who closely follow events in the Middle East and sources from relevant media outlets that track daily developments in this conflict, the paper aims to create an overview of the major geopolitical disruptions and the effects this conflict has had.
The paper analyzes the geopolitical disturbances caused by the conflict in the following areas: the United States, Germany, France, the European Union, Tunisia, the relationship between the U.S. and Iran, China, and Russia. It provides a general historical overview presented in a tabular format, as well as a more detailed review of the key actors, including Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, and others. The paper emphasizes the importance of religion as one of the sources of conflict. It suggests that through a consistent interpretation of faith—whether it concerns Christians, Muslims, or Jews—a path to lasting peace can be found. |