Title Hibridno ratovanje i suvremeni sukobi
Title (english) Hybrid warfare and contemporary conflict
Author Nikola Brzica
Mentor Vlatko Cvrtila (mentor) MBZ: 171002
Committee member Robert Mikac (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 339295
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-02-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 355/359 - Military affairs. Art of war. Military science. Defence. Armed forces
Abstract Hibridno ratovanje ne predstavlja nov i revolucionaran pristup u ostvarivanju političkih
ciljeva. Navedeno je temeljna pretpostavka ove doktorske disertacije koja je potvrĎena kroz
znanstveno istraţivanje i komparativnu analizu tri studije slučaja. Pokušaj stvaranja Velike
Srbije, zbog činjenice da se relativno nedavno odvijao na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske,
najrelevantniji je slučaj kada govorimo o aktualnim vanjskopolitičkim i obrambenim
izazovima Republike Hrvatske. Izraelsko-libanonski rat iz 2006. godine smatra se oglednim
primjerkom hibridnog rata izmeĎu drţavnog i nedrţavnog aktera. Rat Rusije i Ukrajine i
aneksija Krima najrecentniji je primjer hibridnog rata izmeĎu dva drţavna aktera, i
katalizator koji je aktualizirao pojam hibridnog rata, pokrenuo meĎunarodnu zajednicu i
NATO savez da preispitaju svoj pristup suvremenom ratovanju. Ova disertacija temelji na
se razmatranju ratova s vojnopolitičkog stajališta, a kombiniranjem tri teorijska okvira
odabrano je 16 čimbenika koji karakteriziraju hibridnog aktera. Teorijskom analizom sve tri
studije slučaja potvrĎeno je da hibridnom ratu prethodi period političkih, ideoloških ili
sličnih neslaganja izmeĎu suprotstavljenih strana, tijekom kojeg hibridni akter nastoji širiti
vlastiti narativ i otvoreno ili prikriveno provodi aktivnosti koje će mu dati prednost u ratu.
Provedbom istraţivanja u tri rata testirana je prisutnost svakog pojedinog čimbenika
hibridnog modela, a komparacijom rezultata utvrĎeno je da su odreĎeni čimbenici bili, u
većoj ili manjoj mjeri, prisutni u sva tri rata. Unatoč činjenici da slučajevi pripadaju
različitom geopolitičkom kontekstu, da su se odvijali u različitom vremenskom razdoblju i
na različitoj zemljopisnoj lokaciji, prisutnost čimbenika u sva tri rata potvrĎuju
pretpostavku da hibridni rat nije ništa novo.
Abstract (english) Hybrid warfare does not represent a new and revolutionary approach to the realization of
political goals. This is the central hypothesis of this doctoral dissertation which has been
tested by scientific research and comparative analysis of three post Cold War,
geographically and chronically dispersed case studies. The first case study encompasses
the initial attempt to create a Greater Serbia at the territorial expense of the Republic of
Croatia which occurred in the early 1990's within the context of Yugoslavia's dissolution.
The second case study details the Israeli - Hezbollah war of 2006 which is considered by
many to be a textbook example of a state versus non-state actor conflict. Finally, the third
case study analyzes the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine (including the Russian
annexation of Crimea) which has popularized the term "hybrid warfare" and acted as a
catalyst in initiating NATO re-examination of its approach to contemporary security
threats. This dissertation analyzes the manifestation of hybrid war from a military and
political perspective, and to characterize hybrid actors, it makes use of sixteen individual
factors derived from three established theoretical frameworks. Theoretical analysis of the
three case studies suggests that in all three cases open warfare was preceded by a period of
political, ideological or other conflict between the opposing parties. In all instances, the
hybrid actor made use of this period to promulgate its narrative, while at the same time
covertly or overtly undertaking activities designed to ensure an advantage upon the onset of
violence. The presence of each individual factor of the combined theoretical framework
was determined through research, and a comparison of the results proves that certain
characteristics are present, in varying degree, in all three conflicts. Despite occurring in
different geopolitical circumstances, in different chronological periods, and in different
geographical locations, the presence of hybrid factors in all three conflicts confirms the
initial hypothesis that hybrid warfare is not a new phenomenon.
hibridno ratovanje
hibridi sukobi
rat u Ukrajini
Velika Srbija
Keywords (english)
hybrid warfare
hybrid conflicts
Greater Serbia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:170262
Study programme Title: Political Science - doctoral study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA (DOKTOR/DOKTORICA ZNANOSTI, PODRUČJE DRUŠTVENIH ZNANOSTI, POLJE POLITOLOGIJA)
Type of resource Text
Extent 259 str.;29 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-02-05 09:59:23