The Anatomy of Engagement: Croatian Interest Groups and the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
Nikola Mijo Noršić This research examines the involvement of Croatian interest groups in the legislative process of the European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act. Through a mixed-methods approach that combines document analysis with expert interviews, the research highlights the proactive strategies employed by Croatian interest groups in shaping the AI Act, despite Croatia’s limited influence and resources. The research underscores the importance of early-stage lobbying and coalition-building as...
The Effectiveness of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in the Case of the EU Facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue
Kristina Khos Cilj diplomskog rada „Djelotvornost zajedničke vanjske i sigurnosne politike EU u slučaju posredovanja u Dijalogu Beograda i Prištine“ je doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju tijeka dijaloga te izazova s kojima se akteri procesa susreću, a nastoji odgovoriti na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Koji su rezultati Dijaloga Beograda i Prištine u kojem posreduje EU? Koji čimbenici utječu na djelotvornost posredovanja EU u tom procesu? Unatoč tome što predstavnici zapadne međunarodne...
The Evolution and Prospects of the EU Accession Negotiations Methodology
Kristina Marinov Commencing its journey as an organization established to prevent any future wars on the European soil, the EU has continuously carried a strain of historic obligation to reunite Europe and bring it prosperity in every possible aspect. Today it can be attested as an aim achieved since the EU encompasses a major part of the continent’s states. Beginning its enlargement agenda more than 40 years ago, the EU has welcomed 22 new member states since. The enlargement policy, historically seen as...
The Evolution of African American Discourse of Emancipation from Blues to Hip Hop
Vilim Mance The aim of the paper is to explore political messages of African Americans’ emancipation from white oppression in blues and hip hop songs. Using discourse analysis and Mill’s method of induction combined with the most similar system design two hypotheses are formed. 1) songs in blues era (1910-1950) have an implicit and hidden discourse of emancipation, while songs from hip hop era (1979-1996) have explicit and direct discourse of emancipation and 2) variable responsible for such...
The Impact of the EU Cartel Regulation on the Internal Market
Klara Đurkin The core of this thesis studies adverse effects of cartels on the functioning of the internal market of the European Union (EU). To understand the topic in its entirety, the paper firstly apprehends the nature of cartels, their definition, features, and modus operandi. By focusing explicitly on cartel regulation as a distinctive and significant part of competition law, the succeeding section presents the European Commission and national competition authorities, as the main enforcement bodies...
The Increasing Importance of OSINT as a Source of Intelligence
Tin Potz Intelligence agencies have been using open sources since WWII, but the intelligence made of such sources (OSINT) was always considered second-class. It was mostly so because secrets were always regarded as more valuable. Today, due to the new digital and more public way of life, the value of OSINT has been reassessed. Another reason for the change of view comes with the modern concept of security which encompasses threats that can only be addressed by a fusion of all sources. Therefore,...
The Influence of Interest Groups in Public Consultations of the European Commission
Martina Lozo Despite several efforts to improve the transparency of the EU decision-making and address various sources of the Union’s democratic deficit, there is still a widespread perception of the community as a "political space without political life”. Given the internal and external crises the EU has been facing in recent years, including the epidemiological and migrant crises, unclear enlargement policies, the loss of a member state, the deterioration of rule of law situation, as well as...
The Role of the European Parliament in the Political System of the European Union After the Treaty of Lisbon
Leon Žilić The European Parliament enjoyed a major increase in its significance and in the scope of its powers during the previous decades, culminating in the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon fifteen years ago. This thesis provides a comprehensive understanding of the European Parliament’s role in the post-Lisbon European Union, as well as its position during previous treaty reforms, and its internal structure, powers, and procedures. Due to numerous treaty reforms and other hard efforts by...
The institutional framework of immovable cultiral heritage policy in Croatia
Nataša Daničić The paper brings an overview of the institutional framework in the field of cultural heritage policy in Croatia and looks into various meanings of culture, as well as merging of culture with public policy. The purpose of this research was to gain insight into the current Croatian model of safeguarding of the immovable cultural heritage and to point out the fact that heritage is a broader concept than what is formally offered by the legal status of institutional inventory, while the...
TikTok kao izvor informiranja
Laura Hajdin Ovaj rad analizira TikTok kao izvor informiranja i pri tome će se preispitivati njegova uloga, utjecaj i potencijal koji ima kao informativni medij. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti kako TikTok doprinosi informacijskoj kulturi. Kroz kritičku analizu i istraživanje kako najpopularniji hrvatski internetski portali koriste Tik Tok, rad će ocrtati ključne karakteristike TikToka koje ga čine relevantnim izvorom informacija za različite skupine, s posebnim naglaskom na mlađu populaciju koja u...